Notre association, représentée par son président, a participé, au workshop “Expanding brain research in Europe-a societal need?” qui s’est tenu le 16 mars 2017 au Parlement européen à Strasbourg (voir affiche et programme ci-joints). Au cours de ce workshop, notre collègue Marion Leboyer a fait une présentation autour des maladies psychiatriques et les nouveau défis à relever au sein de l’Europe. Ci-dessous le résumé de son intervention:
Marion Leboyer – Supporting research in psychiatry in Europe: A major societal issue
Mental disorders represent the single greatest economic and social burden on European society.
The cost of mental disorders (excluding dementia and other organic brain disorders) in 2010 was estimated at €461 billion. This is the lowest current estimate for this fi gure, as it does not take into account the large additional costs associated with having co-occurring mental and physical disorders.
With sufficient investment, mental health research could address the burdens in Europe, especially through research on prevention of mental disorders in young or at-risk populations, on improvement of understanding of causes, on developing new tools for diagnosis and innovative therapeutic strategies, thus promoting positive mental health in the general population. Such approaches have been advocated by the European Parliament and the European Commission, and Prof. Leboyer will outline the most pressing mental health research that takes advantage of Europe’s infrastructure and research strengths, including the EU ROAMER project.